1qVuoPiEUvRoTxuJ1LVNPTPVnPo ♥ Lady Shaura ♥ Tarot Reading ♥ Tarot Spells ♥ Energy Healing ♥: Are You Breathing?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Are You Breathing?

All living beings needs to breathe.  But are you breathing correctly?  Have you notice how different the new born babies / infants and the adults breathe? As the babies breathe in, their tummy are filled with air and slowly, they will breathe out the carbon dioxide.  Whereas for most adults, you could hardly see any movement of their abdomen, and rather it's their chest which is 'breathing in'.

So, what is wrong?  Our breathing is too shallow and too quick and we are not taking in sufficient oxygen.  At the same time,  we are not eliminating sufficient carbon dioxide. , As a result, our bodies are oxygen starved, and a toxic build-up occurs. Shallow breathing does not exercise the lungs enough, so they lose some of their function, causing a further reduction in vitality.

Animals which breathe slowly live the longest; the elephant is a good example.

We need to breathe more slowly and deeply. However, we are in a hurry most of the time. Our movements and breathing follow this pattern. The increasing stress of modern living makes us breathe more quickly and less deeply. We get too emotional too easily. We get excited easily, angry easily, and most of the rest of the time we suffer from anxiety due to worry. These negative emotional states affect the rate of breathing, causing it to be fast and shallow.

Modern technology and automation reduces our need for physical activity. There is less need to breathe deeply, so we develop the shallow breathing habit. We are working indoors more and more. This increases our exposure to pollution. As a result, the body instinctively inhales less air to protect itself from pollution. The body just takes in enough air to tick over.

As we go through life, these bad breathing habits we picked up become part of our life. Unless we do something to reverse these habits, we can suffer permanent problems. The good news is that these are reversible.

The bad news is that before we can change these habits, we should recognize and accept that our behavior needs to be changed. This means that we see for ourselves the benefits of good breathing techniques.

Interested to breathe properly?  Try the below:
Step 1 - Lie down on your back with a book placed on your abdomen
Step 2 - Breathe in as usual and notice the movement on your chest and abdomen
             - If your chest has a bigger movement, you are breathing incorrectly!
             - If the book wobbles up and down on your abdomen, Congrats!  This is the correct way!
Step 3 - Try and breathe in through your nose and as you breathe, your abdomen should be bloated with air
Step 4 - Continued till you are satisfied and remember that this should be the way you breathe everyday

When you are used to the correct breathing, you can now try out Pranic Breathing which is not too much difference from the above.

Step 1 - You may close your eyes or keep them open throughout this exercise, whichever is more comfortable for you. Sit on the edge of a chair, sofa, or bed, but keep your back straight and away from the back of the chair or sofa.

Step 2 - Put your tongue on the roof of your mouth just behind the hard palate (the hard ridge behind your top row of teeth), and keep it there as you breathe. This connects the two major meridians, or energy channels, in your body and facilitates the flow of prana (energy).

Step 3 - Begin breathing in slowly and silently through your nose. Feel your lungs filling up slowly. Your chest should not move as you breathe in, only your abdomen. As your lungs reach capacity, pause for a moment; then exhale smoothly and gently through your nose.

This completes one cycle of Pranic breathing. Try it again up to 15 minutes or more.

Pranic breathing relaxes the muscles of the torso, restores flexibility to the diaphragm, and enables the chakras to become synchronized. The result is a calming effect, as well as a buildup of energy.

Pranic breathing thus helps you both to relax and to energize, to stay tranquil and to stay alert - a perfect ending to a stressful day!

Lady Shaura

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