1qVuoPiEUvRoTxuJ1LVNPTPVnPo ♥ Lady Shaura ♥ Tarot Reading ♥ Tarot Spells ♥ Energy Healing ♥: Ascended Masters

Monday, November 7, 2011

Ascended Masters

Defination of Ascended Masters

An Ascended Master is once a human being who has become self-realized and serves humanity and one who has raised his or her vibration to a sustained frequency of light. A master who has ascended can come and go at will from the Earth plane without having to pass through the cycles of Birth and Death.

Ascended Masters have worked with humankind throughout the centuries. In the past, the Ascended Masters worked behind the scenes, and few humans were aware of their actions. These Beings of Light who were once embodied on Earth and learned the Lessons of Life during their embodiment have now transcended human limitations and ascended into Divine Freedom.

Ascended Masters come from the Realms of Spirit to serve as teachers for humanity. The Divine Plan is for all people to eventually attain the ascension and move forward in spiritual evolution beyond the confines of our planet.  The Ascended Masters guide, protect, inspire and heal. Teachers in the truest sense of the word, they can help us grow in any area of our lives and achieve the highest purpose of life: to become one with God through ascension.

As blood flows through our physical bodies, Light flows through them. That Light beats their hearts and pulses energy through their form. The hearts and bodies of the Ascended Masters have become pure Light substance. The activity of Light radiates from their heart, giving their form a soft pink glow.

Examples on some of the Ascended Masters are Christ Jesus, Buddha, Horus, Guan Yin, Mother Mary, Tara, Babaji, Lady Nada, and many others.  Some of them were being worshipped by many, while others had a low profile.  In either ways, Ascended Masters strived to help mankind in everyway they could; perhaps not in the exact way you wanted, but in another way which is the best for you.

Anyone can call upon the Ascended Masters for help or to guide you, heal you anytime, everytime.  All you need is to have 'Faith' in them.  I know it is difficult for many to have Faith in something which seems so ... 'unrealistic'. So, to plant the seed of Faith into you, the Ascended Masters will drop 'hints' to show that they are around you.

For example, you have called upon one of the Ascended Master,  and asked for signs to show that they are around you.  You will be overwhelmed by the 'signs'.  Suddenly all around you, you see the name of the Ascended Master, or you start to notice things associated with the Ascended Maseter, or your best friend or a stranger on the road started to blabber to you information with regards to the Ascended Master.  These are all signs! 

With that, your Faith in them will be strengthened.  But I must advised you not to indicate what kind of signs which you would like to see. Ascended Masters are beings of higher frequency and they will decide what kind of signs they will let you see.  They are not your pets who do what you asked them to!

I will be doing a channelling with the Ascended Masters soon and will asked them for a message for all readers on this page.  Stay tuned!
Blessed Be!

Lady Shaura

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