This is yet, another sample of the Tarot Forecast 2012 which I have done for one of my client.
In this year, the overall card is the Hanged Man card, meaning that there wouldn't be much ups and down in 2012 for my client. In a positive note, it will be quite smooth sailing.
In January, there will be a mentor coming into your life. You can welcome the mentor into your life which he/she will be providing you with guidance in areas which you need.
In the 2nd month of 2012, The Star card appears. In this month, it is best to be involved in more charity work and be grateful in whatever things which is bestowed upon you.
Time for travelling in March! A good thing to travel and to meet up with people to broaden your horizons. Have fun!
Lots of patience must be exercised this month. there will be issues which seems tricky, but with patience, you'll be able to resolved everything.
In May, you will have a rebirth in life! It can be in terms of career, family, character, etc. Embrace the positive changes and love life more.
In June, there will be instances where your work, character will be judged. This is also the month where your hard work will be appraised. Time to harvest what you have sowed!
2nd half of 2012 begins with Queen of Pentacle. Finances will be the main concern for you this month. Plan ahead and do not spend unnecessary & all will be well.
August is the month for actions! Sit tight and be prepared to be on the go at all times. A busy month for you, yet it should be fulfilling.
Still, the main concern is to balance the finances in your life. In September, a month for you to do the juggling and balancing of your finances.
October is the month where you should take note of your relationships with people. This could be with your spouse, family, friends and work mates. Be extra careful this month and be more sensitive to their feelings.
Try to listen more then to talk more in November. There might be great ideas and proposals in store for you!
In the last month of 2012, Knight of Cups appears. If you are single, you can be assured that your knight in shinning amour will be appearing! Else, if you are attached or married, something or someone will enter your life which creates passion. It could be a new hobby. job or person. stay tune!!
Email Lady Shaura at for your 2012 Tarot Forecast now!!! Be prepared and plan your future!
Lady Shaura
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