1qVuoPiEUvRoTxuJ1LVNPTPVnPo ♥ Lady Shaura ♥ Tarot Reading ♥ Tarot Spells ♥ Energy Healing ♥: Spirit of Christmas!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Spirit of Christmas!

It's December already!  One of my favourite season - the season for gifts (giving) and clearing the clutter!!!  Of course, I don't mean clearing your clutter as gifts for others!  That's definitely a no no.

Besides being merry and having a jolly good time, do remember the not so fortune folks all around us.  A simple card or tokens of love will do wonders for their well being.  Even just spending time with them will make them very happy!!  Don't be stingy with your love will you :)

If you are really busy, you can improve someone else's life by making some donations.  I would like to encourage all of you make some donations to The World Vision. From the website, you are able to choose the type of necessity you think the not so fortune kids should get.  The range of donations comes in the form of shoes for the kids, blankets to keep them warm, rice for them, and many other things which it's all of us took for granted but it's an luxury for those kids.

Make a difference today!  What goes round will comes round!

Besides that, I also mentioned something about de-cluttering.  Since Chinese Year Year is shortly after Christmas, take this chance to clear out your room/house and make more spaces for more abundance to land in your house!  Clear out those which you think you MIGHT need it in future - the truth is, you will never used it again!  Clear out those worn and battered items which you feels that they are of sentimental value - the truth is, you don't even bother about their existence in your daily life!

Clear Clear Clear!
Recycle Recycle Recycle!

You'll have a clearer mind when your physical space looks neat and tidy!

Use Sage to clear out the cluttered energy in your room/home as well! It get rids of all negativity and bad memories.  Just lit up the Sage and let the smoke fumigate your room!  it's that easy and wouldn't take more than 20mins!

Have a cluttered free month to usher in 2012!!!

Lady Shaura's Cleansing Kit (with Sage) is at $18 only!

Blessed be!
Lady Shaura

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