1qVuoPiEUvRoTxuJ1LVNPTPVnPo ♥ Lady Shaura ♥ Tarot Reading ♥ Tarot Spells ♥ Energy Healing ♥: Soul Fragments

Friday, September 9, 2011

Soul Fragments

This is the 10th year since the 911 incident that affects almost the whole world.  Memories for those who were not affected directly has faded; but for those people whose life and family were destroyed on that fateful day, it was a day they will remember for life.

In our lifetime on Earth, I am sure we would encounter heart wrenching situations with death.  The passing on of family, friends and even pets.  The closer the relationship you are with the person, the more impact you will felt when the person passes on.

Regrets.  Anger.  Happy times. Memories. All kinds of emotions will find their way to you.  Making you vulnerable, sad, helpless, etc.  This experience with your own emotions are inevitable, but how long do you need to get over it?

As you know, we are individual souls in a human body.  When we passed on, we'll leave behind the physical body and our souls will off to another cosmic place.  Some believes that Higher Beings will come along and bring the soul to a place where they belong, other believes that according to Karma, the soul will be brought to either hell or heaven. 

Most of you will have thoughts like, 'I miss you, can you come back to me?', 'Please dun leave me alone here!', etc

This will have an impact on the soul.  For example, the soul of a mother is going to begin her journey to another cosmic plane. But when she recieved the above mentioned message from her children who are crying their heart and soul out at her funeral, how could she leave in peace? Thou a soul, but she was their mother who spend all her life time on Earth with her children, would she bear to leave them wholeheartedly? 

There is a difference between cold hearted (emotionless about it) and being spiritually rational. Death is part and parcel in everyone's life, accept it.  You can cry.  You can be sad.  You can have feelings of being abandoned.  But accept the fact that the person has passed on and both yourself and deceased needs to move on.

For every thoughts or words you mentioned about asking the deceased to come back, stay, don't leave, a small fragment of it's soul will be retained on Earth.  The soul that returns back to where it belongs will not be 100% whole and in times to come, the poor soul would have to come back in some form (insects, animals, human, etc) to claim back the fragments of soul. 

Is that what you want?
This weekend, let us use our compassion and send the remaining Soul fragments of our deceased family/friends back to the place where their Soul belongs.

Let's do a short meditation exercise on it.

Find a place / time where you will be undisturbed for at least 15mins.
Turn off your handphone.
Sitting in a comfortable position (on the floor or chair).
Normal breathing (or pranic breathing) - breathe in and out for 10 rounds

Visualise the deceased in front of you - memories might flood in, other random thoughts might came in, but try your best to concentrate on the deceased.

Using your heart, tell the deceased what you intend to do and ask them to embark on their spitiual journey wholeheartedly.  Everyone and everything on Earth will be fine - Take your time and don't rush through it

Next, visualise a ray of golden light appear near the deceased.

Slowly, the ray of golden light turns into a beautiful lotus flower. 
The lotus flower slowly opened up and the deceased steps inside the lotus flower - Remember at this point not to have any thoughts on asking the deceased to stay on or telling them you will miss them.

The lotus flower closes and disappeared into the ray of golden light.
Give thanks to the Divine and all is done.

You can do this as and when until you felt that the Soul is completely gone. 

So, let us use our intention power and send the fragments of Soul back to where they belong!

For the lucky ones who have not had any death-parting experience yet, do it for the 911 victims - I am sure many of the Soul fragments were retained on Earth unknowingly by their family and friends. 

Blessed be!

Lady Shaura

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