1qVuoPiEUvRoTxuJ1LVNPTPVnPo ♥ Lady Shaura ♥ Tarot Reading ♥ Tarot Spells ♥ Energy Healing ♥: Tarot Spell: Getting Away From Bad Circumstances Spell

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tarot Spell: Getting Away From Bad Circumstances Spell

There are times when each and everyone of us hopes to have that little bit of courage just to walk away from the bad circumstances that is revolving around us.  Beside courage, perhaps opportunity and just a little bit of 'push' factor we get from the universal source will see us taking the next giant step forward.

Getting away from a bad circumstance is not a cowardly sign of escaping.  In fact, it's the complete opposite of cowardly.  It takes courage wanting to make a positive change in your life. 

Self-acceptance comes from meeting life's challenges vigorously. Don't numb yourself to your trials and difficulties, nor build mental walls to exclude pain from your life. You will find peace not by trying to escape your problems, but by confronting them courageously. You will find peace not in denial, but in Victory!

With Love
Lady Shaura

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