1qVuoPiEUvRoTxuJ1LVNPTPVnPo ♥ Lady Shaura ♥ Tarot Reading ♥ Tarot Spells ♥ Energy Healing ♥: Tarot Reading: 18 Feb 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011

Tarot Reading: 18 Feb 2011

Ms. EG wants to have an insight on the duration of a bank loan which she needs to pay.  Lady Shaura has done a reading for her base on 6 months, 12 months and 24 months to see when can she fully repay the loan.

From the outlook of the reading, Ms. EG will be able to clear the loans most prop in 24 months.  But do remember that the reading only serves as a guide. 

If there are anything that happens within the 24 months (more income or loss of income), chances are, Ms EG might or might not be able to clear the loans with the stated duration.  The above reading is only if the current situation remains the same through out the 2 weeks (payment remains the same).

Hope the abve is clear for Ms. EG

Blessed be!

Lady Shaura

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