Mr. A and Ms A were thinking of switching career and setting up their own business, thus would like to know if there would be any hiccups which they can avoid if they proceed with the venture.
Firstly, The Chariot card needs the Mr. A to make decisions base on his mind, not heart. Think very clearly before making any decisions and not to let the emotions overrule his mind.
The Star card shows that water is being poured back into the pond and land. It might be a case of redundance and doing what is not necessary required.
Lastly, beware of the human relations isses arising from this venture. Things might turn out ugly.
Ms. A on the other hand does nto need to worry too much. However, she need to be more flexible and listen to others in this new venture. She can actually look forward to a brand new start which is generally good for her as the 2nd and 3rd card has further confirm it.
May all be well!!!!!
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